My Mum recently found an old Garfield toy of mine in her attic. I loved Garfield as a child – we both liked lasagne and hated mornings.
July in New Zealand means dark winter mornings – getting up when it’s dark outside puts me out of kilter and can leave a cloud hanging over my whole day. Spring will come, but in the meantime, I’m open to strategies to beat the winter blues.
I found some inspiration in June’s Gratitude Circle posts – both Connie and Riley wrote of how they’ve benefited from starting their days with a simple gratitude practice. I resolved to give it a try with the hope of improving my morning mindset and outlook during the day.
How did I go?
Sadly, cure the winter blues it did not, but a few moments of gratitude before rising warmed my heart and has awoken an appreciation for my secure and abundant life.
Upon waking, I simply list the things I’m grateful for. A definite pattern emerged. Invariably, my first thoughts of thanks is for my snuggly, warm bed. As I contemplate getting out of my snuggly, warm bed I’m thankful that I live in a warm home, that I can afford to flick the heater on and enjoy a warm shower. A snore or snuffle from my husband or son turns my thoughts to my family and how grateful I am for their existence, their love, their support and their good health. As I consider the day ahead, I appreciate the freedom I have to plan my day, the choices and opportunities open to me and the level of self-determination that I exercise.
This simple practice, and its daily repetition, imbues me with a real sense of contentment. While I was safe, secure and free all along, I now feel safe, secure and free. Starting the day feeling this, and mindful that my family has all the necessities under control with no major worries or hardships, certainly brings a new perspective to my usual daily dramas.
I’m still no fan of mornings and I’m hanging out for spring, but a little gratitude in the morning makes each day a little brighter from the inside out. I intend to continue with it.
Thanks to Connie and Riley for the inspiration.
Are you a morning person? What morning routines do you use to set yourself up for the day?